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About our LXC / LXD Deep Dive course

1 Views· 12/25/24

"Container" is the new buzzword, but it doesn’t just mean Docker! This course will dive into LXC (LinuX Containers) and its container manager, LXD. Students will explore how containers work, how they compare with virtual machines and Docker containers, and how they handle application isolation. Students will get hands-on by installing and configuring containers and thoughtfully selecting a persistent storage strategy. The course also covers the intricacies of container networking including inter-container communication, managing container networks, and exposing container ports on the host. For advanced students, several use cases are explored and implemented using this exciting technology.



About Chad:

Chad loves teaching everything. In college, he got his B.S. with a double major in Computer Science and Theater, which means he loves the fine details of programming and I.T. and also entertaining. Teaching at the Linux Academy, then, became inevitable. He has years of experience teaching technical professionals everything from database design to OpenStack and has spoken at conferences on topics ranging from containers to the best way to configure a storage cluster. In his limited spare time, he keeps bees in his suburban Austin back yard, builds gadgets out of Arduinos and Raspberry Pis, plays video games, and reads everything he can get his hands on.

Linux Academy – https://linuxacademy.com/
Cloud Assessments – https://cloudassessments.com/

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